what happened to the red dragon wings in nwn?

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Name Equipable Wings
Author D15C0RD
Submitted / Updated 03-29-2008 / 04-07-2008
Category Armor
Patch 1.12
NWN2Game All
Equipable Wings (cloaks) by D15C0RD.

I had an epiphany after messing effectually with whatbrick's Wings Galore Pak and reading about conflicts between cloak/wing models on the same character.
I realized that they both use the same capewing_skel.I thought to myself why not combine the 2?As a plus it besides eliminates the need for editing bic files and the wingmodel 2da.

These are cloaks that use the Kaelyn,Solar and Succubus wing models.
They're usable past all thespian races, tintable and can exist enchanted.

Cloak 17 Angel wings
Cloak 18 Devil wings

New icons for the cloaks.
Blueprints for both varieties of cloaks.
Favored Soul outfit with wings.
Red Dragon Disciple outfit with wings.
A module to demonstrate all the above.

Delete previous versions of Equipable Wings.
Put override version in your Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2 override binder.
Put hak version in your Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2 hak folder,erfs into the erfs folder.
Put modules in your Documents\Neverwinter Nights two modules folder.

*Equipable Wings_motb pack (for Mask of the Betrayer users only)
Kaelyn has Equipable wings to avert conflicts with cloak/fly models.
Wing cloaks accept the wings feat.

*To spawn the items in game*
While playing, select your character hit ~ to bring up the console. Then type in "DebugMode one" without the quotes.
Then type the code for the item(s) you want.

"giveitem angelwings" (gives role player Angel wings cloak)
"giveitem devilwings" (gives player Devil wings cloak)
"giveitem redwings" (gives histrion Red dragon wings cloak)

When yous're finished bring up the panel over again ~ and type "DebugMode 0" without the quotes.

Obsidian Entertainment for the original models and textures.
Patrick "whatbrick" Wilson for his Wings Galore pak.Which in office inspired me to make this.

iii/31/08 Added Red Dragon fly cloak and item codes.
4/07/08 Added Wings feat to cloaks in the Equipable Wings_motb pack.added hak pack versions.


Name Type Size Downloads
Submitted: 03-29-2008 / Final Updated: 04-07-2008
rar 5.1Mb 1686
*Equipable Wings_motb hak pack (for Mask of the Betrayer users only) If you lot have Mask of the Betrayer download this instead of the regular Equipable Wings pack. Kaelyn has Equipable wings to avoid conflicts with cloak/wing models. Wing cloaks take the wings feat.
Submitted: 03-29-2008 / Concluding Updated: 04-07-2008
rar five.4Mb 3460
*Equipable Wings_motb override pack (for Mask of the Betrayer users simply)
If you have Mask of the Betrayer download this instead of the regular Equipable Wings pack.
Kaelyn has Equipable wings to avoid conflicts with cloak/fly models.
Wing cloaks take the wings feat.
Submitted: 03-29-2008 / Last Updated: 04-07-2008
rar 4.7Mb 1287
Equipable Wings hak pack
Submitted: 03-29-2008 / Final Updated: 03-31-2008
rar 5Mb 2280
Equipable Wings override pack

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Posted by shilly671 at 2011-09-18 20:58:39
[±ÃªÃ‡©:TAGS-C]Every profession produces its own best[±ÃªÃ‡©:TAGS-C2]

Posted by paramyth at 2011-03-fourteen xi:59:xi
Okay, I figured out that erf folder is just the override folder, but however unsure most the module folder. I moved the module folder for c bulldoze/program files (x86)/Atari/Neverwinter2/modules file to the Documents\Neverwinter Nights ii modules folder merely that did not work and no longer allowed me to open my saved games and so I moved it dorsum... This is where I am stuck... Whatsoever advice?

Posted by paramyth at 2011-03-14 03:02:43
Okay... Im repeating Axewar'south post completely...

"Well, seeing as you got it working somehow I'm suspecting that you know how to exercise it aswell. I, however, cannot seem to go it working though. I'm rather bad at things similar this, and then I wouldn't wonder but...

Ok, and then if I've understood this correctly I'k supposed to download both the hak and the override files, then put the hak one in the Documets/Neverwinter Nights2/hak section, and the override ane in the Documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/override section. I tried doing so, along with deleting the other one and so trying the other one and and so forth... Information technology never worked.
You lot practise say that I'thou supposed to put "erfs into the erfs folder"... ?? I can't notice an "erfs- file hither, nor an erfs- binder anywhere.

However, I could also be doing something incorrect when you lot're stating this:
"Put modules in your Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2 modules folder."

So are in that location modules that I'm supposed to download aswell? I tin can't notice them... Where are they?

You lot'd be kind to answer to these rather stupid questions made by a computer-allergic fool... :)"

I did everything Axewar did as mentioned in this postal service, but do not sympathise the "erfs folder" part or the modules office... =/ Pitiful for my fail... Whatsoever tips???

Posted by Amphibious Bagel at 2011-03-08 20:01:09     Voted 10.00 on 03/08/eleven
Genius to catechumen these. Thanks. :)

Posted by Axewar at 2010-08-24 09:36:48     Voted x.00 on 08/24/10
This matter is swell.. I got my questions answered and I realised how much of a fool I was. Merely either way. Squeamish wings. Honey this mod.

Posted by Axewar at 2010-07-25 xvi:04:13     Voted 10.00 on 08/24/10
Well, seeing as you lot got it working somehow I'yard suspecting that you know how to do information technology aswell. I, however, cannot seem to become information technology working though. I'k rather bad at things like this, so I wouldn't wonder but...

Ok, so if I've understood this correctly I'yard supposed to download both the hak and the override files, then put the hak i in the Documets/Neverwinter Nights2/hak department, and the override one in the Documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/override section. I tried doing so, along with deleting the other ane and so trying the other 1 and then forth... Information technology never worked.
Yous practice say that I'm supposed to put "erfs into the erfs folder"... ?? I can't find an "erfs- file here, nor an erfs- binder anywhere.

Nevertheless, I could likewise be doing something wrong when you lot're stating this:
"Put modules in your Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2 modules folder."

Then are there modules that I'thousand supposed to download aswell? I can't observe them... Where are they?

You'd be kind to respond to these rather stupid questions fabricated by a computer-allergic fool... :)

Posted past stealth00 at 2010-06-13 17:01:56     Voted 10.00 on 06/xiii/10
It is people like you that make the game better than ever with stuff like this thanks a ton

Posted by camelotcrusade at 2009-11-18 06:53:49
Rats! I'd love to use these - and they look fantastic - but in SoZ 1.23 icons for scrolls and books are whacked.

Posted by Spidercat at 2009-02-twenty 07:52:15     Voted 9.50 on 02/xx/09
Crawly! thanks for the corking share =)

Posted by Kunikos at 2009-02-17 14:xiii:17     Voted ix.75 on 04/09/08
Makes icons for the crafting books in SoZ disappear. :(

Posted past -DK- at 2009-01-28 12:25:27     Voted 9.75 on 01/28/09
Aye, the icons seem missing while using 1.21 patch.

Posted by Sel at 2009-01-12 21:36:16     Voted 9.75 on 01/12/09
A great detail, and the 20% motion increment is nice -- I'g ane of those people who hates twiddling my thumbs and waiting for my graphic symbol to drag himself beyond the zone. The only pocket-sized, minor affair is that the item says 'missing texture' instead of having an item icon. Otherwise, fantastic and thank you for a swell hak.
"What exercise I know of cultured means, the aureate, the craft and the lie?
I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky.
The subtle natural language, the sophist guile, they neglect when the broadswords sing;
Rush in and die, dogs -- I was a man before I was a king."
-- The Road of Kings

Posted by NeVerSun at 2008-05-sixteen 10:06:16     Voted 9.fifty on 05/16/08
Great addition, nicely done :)
My NWVault-Prefabs

Posted by wtatashi at 2008-04-21 19:44:26
Sweet! I'm gonna go endeavour this right at present!

Posted by Kunikos at 2008-04-09 22:39:25     Voted 9.75 on 04/09/08
Changing my vote to reverberate the new feat-equipped wings. ^_^

Only affair better would exist instructions on how to make the wings-cloak icon invisible in the slot and just disallow (like on Okku) equipping of cloaks.

Posted by helvagova at 2008-04-08 03:43:54     Voted 10.00 on 04/08/08
Your a legend mate thanks

Posted by gonate at 2008-04-08 00:32:05     Voted 9.00 on 04/08/08

Posted by D15C0RD at 2008-04-07 xvi:26:02     Voted 10.00
Added erfs and updated modules for the haks.

Posted past D15C0RD at 2008-04-07 xiv:13:32     Voted 10.00
Added hak pack versions of Equipable_Wings and Equipable_Wings_motb.

Posted by D15C0RD at 2008-04-07 12:55:07     Voted 10.00
I changed the Kaelyn fix into the Equipable Wings_motb pack.
If you have Mask of the Betrayer download this instead of the regular Equipable Wings pack.

Equipable Wings_motb pack (for Mask of the Betrayer users just)
Kaelyn has Equipable wings to avoid conflicts with cloak/wing models.
Wing cloaks have the wings feat.

Posted by helvagova at 2008-04-07 12:54:02     Voted 10.00 on 04/08/08
Been waiting for wings for ages. Gave it a 10. Will exist using this in my mod. Is it possible y'all could make a hakpak version of this?

Posted by D15C0RD at 2008-04-07 11:35:40     Voted 10.00
I'll be calculation the wings feat to the cloaks for motb users soon.Thank you for the great idea.

Posted past Kunikos at 2008-04-07 x:50:24     Voted 9.75 on 04/09/08
Discord: How hard would it be to add the feat "Winged" to the equipable wings items? It is on Kaelyn's character canvass in MotB (it's similar Dash kinda but stacks).

Posted by D15C0RD at 2008-04-05 ten:59:27     Voted 10.00
I've tried to create equipable tails equally a belt before,merely it just doesn't work.Belts don't accept a skeleton(gr2) file as far equally I can see.

Recollect of the skeleton(gr2) files as glue,I tin't get the model pieces to stick together without it.

Posted by SunWatcher at 2008-04-05 03:38:15     Voted 9.75 on 04/05/08
Excellent! But in that location'south one more thing for y'all to create -- equippable tails as a belt!
Trust is for the foolish... And the dead.

Posted by marzy at 2008-04-01 13:07:36     Voted nine.25
Thankyou then much for the info. The toolset frightens me to expiry but I volition have a become and follow your instructions.
Thank you - Marie

Posted past D15C0RD at 2008-04-01 11:47:56     Voted 10.00
I suppose the easiest way to change the color would be through the toolset.

Start the game,click on toolset.

Go to blueprints,items,all
custom,wings,Affections wings
right click,copy pattern module
go to items,module,and click on your new particular.

Go to properties,advent,tint,color2
and change the color to what you lot want (ivory rgb 255,255,240 or hex fffff0)

On backdrop curlicue downwards.Under basics alter the localized proper name,resources proper noun,tag,and template resref to what ever you want.

localized name Ivory wings
resources name ivorywings
tag ivorywings
template resref ivorywings

Become back to blueprints,right click on your item,save to file and save to your override folder.

make sure the proper noun is the same as your
template resref ie: ivorywings

exit the toolset.

to spawn the item in game follow the instructions for spawning items but apply
the name of your new item instead.

ie: "giveitem ivorywings"

I hope that helps.

Posted past marzy at 2008-04-01 05:29:47     Voted 9.25
I dear the angel wings and employ them on my Aasimar Cleric. I would love for them to be a slightly different shade, ie Ivory or a pale foam. Is it difficult to change the colour and if and so what product would I need to do this. I accept absolutely no idea regarding this sort of matter.

And then if someone could bespeak me in the right direction that would be fantastic.

Thanks - Marie

Posted past D15C0RD at 2008-03-31 xix:44:49     Voted 10.00
*To spawn the items in game*
While playing, select your character hit ~ to bring upward the console. Then blazon in "DebugMode i" without the quotes.
Then type the code for the item(s) you want.

"giveitem angelwings" (gives actor Angel wings cloak)
"giveitem devilwings" (gives player Devil wings cloak)
"giveitem redwings" (gives player Red dragon wings cloak)

When you're finished bring up the console over again ~ and type "DebugMode 0" without the quotes.

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