Where Was Hamburger Invented What Country Makes the Most Ground Beef

There is a dispute about who really made the first hamburger and bun in America.  Have you ever wondered where the first hamburger on a bun came from?  Which story yous believe depends on your definition of a hamburger.

Is it a hamburger when served on a bun?  Or is it a hamburger when served betwixt 2 slices of bread?

American Hamburger

Tracing history back thousands of years, we learn that even the ancient Egyptians ate ground meat, and down through the ages nosotros also find that ground meat has been shaped into patties and eaten all over the globe under many different name.

1121 – 1209 – Genghis Khan (1162-1227), crowned the "emperor of all emperors," and his regular army of fierce Mongol horsemen, known as the "Golden Horde," conquered ii thirds of the then known world.  The Mongols were a fast-moving, cavalry-based army that rode small sturdy ponies.  They stayed in their saddles for long period of time, sometimes days without ever dismounting.  They had little opportunity to stop and build a burn down for their meal.

The unabridged hamlet would follow behind the army on great wheeled carts they called "yurts," leading huge herds of sheep, goats, oxen, and horses.  As the ground forces needed food that could be carried on their mounts and eaten easily with one hand while they rode, ground meat was the perfect choice.  They would apply scrapings of lamb or mutton which were formed into flat patties.  They softened the meat past placing them nether the saddles of their horses while riding into boxing.  When it was time to consume, the meat would be eaten raw, having been tenderized past the saddle and the back of the horse.

1238 – When Genghis Khan's grandson, Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), invaded Moscow, they naturally brought their unique dietary ground meat with them.  The Russians adopted information technology into their own cuisine with the name "Steak Tartare," (Tartars being their name for the Mongols).  Over many years, Russian chefs adapted and developed this dish and refining information technology with chopped onions and raw eggs.

15th Century

Beginning in the fifteenth century, minced beef was a valued effeminateness throughout Europe.  Hashed beef was fabricated into sausage in several different regions of Europe.

1600s –  Ships from the High german port of Hamburg, Deutschland began calling on Russian port.  During this menses the Russian steak tartare was brought back to Germany and called "tartare steak."

18th and 19th Centuries

Hamburg Steak:

In the late eighteenth century, the largest ports in Europe were in Federal republic of germany.  Sailors who had visited the ports of Hamburg,  Germany and New York, brought this food and term "Hamburg Steak" into pop usage.  To attract German sailors, eating stands forth the New York city harbor offered "steak cooked in the Hamburg style."

Immigrants to the United States from German-speaking countries brought with them some of their favorite foods.  One of them was Hamburg Steak.  The Germans simply flavored shredded low-grade beef with regional spices, and both cooked and raw information technology became a standard meal among the poorer classes.  In the seaport town of Hamburg, information technology acquired the name Hamburg steak.  Today, this hamburger patty is no longer called Hamburg Steak in Federal republic of germany just rather "Frikadelle," "Frikandelle" or "Bulette," orginally Italian and French words.

Co-ordinate to Theodora Fitzgibbon in her book The Food of the Western World – An Encyclopedia of food from North American and Europe:

The originated on the High german Hamburg-Amerika line boats, which brought emigrants to America in the 1850s. There was at that time a famous Hamburg beef which was salted and sometimes slightly smoked, and therefore ideal for keeping on a long bounding main voyage.  As it was hard, it was minced and sometimes stretched with soaked breadcrumbs and chopped onion.  It was  pop with the Jewish emigrants, who continued to make Hamburg steaks, as the patties were and so called, with fresh meat when they settled in the U.South.

The Origin of Hamburgers and Ketchup, by Prof. Giovanni Ballarini:

The origin of the hamburger is not very articulate, just the prevailing version is that at the cease of 1800′ s, European emigrants reached America on the ships of the Hamburg Lines and were served meat patties quickly cooked on the grill and placed between two pieces of staff of life.

Invention of Meat Choppers:

Referring to footing beef as hamburger dates to the invention of the mechanical meat choppers during the 1800s.   It was not until the early nineteenth century that forest, tin, and pewter cylinders with wooden plunger pushers became common.  Steve Church building of Ridgecrest, California uncovered some long forgotten U. S. patents on Meat Cutters:

Eastward. Wade received Patent Number x5348 on January 26, 1829 for what may be the get-go patented "Meat Cutter."  The patent shows choppers moving up and downward onto a rotating cake.

G. A. Coffman of Virginia received Patent Number 3935 on February 28, 1845 for an "Improvement in Machines for Cut Sausage-Meat" using a spiral feeder and rotating knives something like a modernistic nutrient grinder.

Old Eating house Menus:

Many historians claim the beginning printed American card was in 1826 on New York'south Delmonico'due south Restaurant.  Ellen Steinberg, Ph.D, of Illinois sent me the following data from the Nutrition Today Mag, Volume 39, January/February 2004, pp 18-25:

Food in American History, Part half dozen – Beef (Office one): Reconstruction and Growth Into the 20th Century (1865-1910), past Louis E. Grivetti, PhD, Jan L. Corlett, PhD, Bertram M. Gordon, PhD, and Cassius T. Lockett, PhD:

Others have written the first hamburger – specifically hamburger steak – was served in 1834 at Delmonico's Restaurant, New York Urban center, for $.10.  However, this oftentimes-quoted origin is not based on the original Delmonico menu just rather a facsimile, and it can be demonstrated through careful scholarship that the published facsimile could not be correct, because the printer of the purported original menu was non in business in 1834!

According to the Los Angeles, CA Metropolitan New-Enterprise newspaper commodity, Old Menus Tell the History of Hamburgers in 50.A., by Roger M. Grace:

From 1871-1884, "Hamburg Beefsteak" was on the "Breakfast and Supper Carte du jour" of the Clipper Eatery at 311/313 Pacific Street in San Fernando. It cost ten cents—the same price as mutton chops, pig's feet in batter, and stewed veal. Information technology was not, however, on the dinner carte; "Pig's Head" "Calf Natural language" and "Stewed Kidneys" were.

Hamburger Steak, Plain and Hamburger Steak with Onions, was served at the Tyrolean Alps Restaurant at the 1904 St. Louis World'due south Off-white.

Sometime Cookbooks:

1758 – By the mid-18th century, German immigrants also brainstorm arriving in England.  One recipe, titled "Hamburgh Sausage," appeared in Hannah Glasse's 1758 English cookbook chosen The Art of Cookery Made Evidently and Like shooting fish in a barrel.  It consisted of chopped beefiness, suet, and spices.  The author recommended that this sausage exist served with toasted bread.  Hannah Glasse's cookbook was also very popular in Colonial America, although it was not published in the United States until 1805.  This American edition also contained the "Hamburgh Sausage" recipe with slight revisions.

1844 – The original Boston Cooking School Melt Volume, by Mrs. D.A. Lincoln (Mary Bailey), 1844 had a recipe for Broiled Meat Cakes and as well Hamburgh Steak:

Baked Meat Cakes – Chop lean, raw beef quite fine.  Season with salt, pepper, and a little chopped onion, or onion juice.  Make it into pocket-sized flat cakes, and broil on a well-greased gridiron or on a hot frying pan.  Serve very hot with butter or Maitre de' Hotel sauce.

Hamburgh Steak
– Pound a slice of round steak enough to suspension the fibre.  Fry two or three onions, minced fine, in butter until slightly browned.  Spread the onions over the meat, fold the ends of the meat together, and pound again, to keep the onions in the middle.  Broil ii or 3 minutes. Spread with butter, salt, and pepper.

1894 – In the 1894 edition of the volume The Epicurean: A Complete Treatise of Belittling & Practical Studies, past Charles Ranhofer (1836-1899), chef at the famous Delmonico's restaurant in New York, there is a listing for Beef Steak Hamburg Manner.  The dish is also listed in French as Bifteck Hambourgeoise.  What made his version unique was that the recipe called for the ground beef to be mixed with kidney and bone marrow:

One pound of tenderloin beef free of sinews and fatty; chop it upwards on a chopping block with iv ounces of beef kidney suet, free of nerves and skin or else the same quantity of marrow; add together 1 ounce of chopped onions fried in butter without attaining color; flavour all with salt, pepper and nutmeg, and divide the training into assurance, each one weighing 4 ounces; flatten them downwardly, roll them in staff of life-crumbs and fry them in a sautpan in butter.  When of a fine color on both sides, dish them up pouring a good thickened gravy . . . over."

1906 – Upton Sinclair (1878-1968), American novelist, wrote in his book chosen The Jungle, which told of the horrors of Chicago meat packing plants.  This book caused much distrust in the The states regarding chopped meat. Sinclair was surprised that the public missed the principal signal of his impressionistic fiction and took it to exist an indictment of unhygienic conditions of the meat packing industry.  This acquired people to not trust chopped meat for several years.

History of American Hamburgers

Only one of the claimants below served their hamburgers on a bun – Oscar Weber Bilby in 1891.  The balance served them equally sandwiches between two slices of bread.

Almost of the post-obit stories on the history of the hamburgers were told after the fact and are based on the recollections of family members.  For many people, which story or legend y'all believe probably depends on where you lot are from.  You be the approximate!  The claims are equally follows:

1885 – Charlie Nagreen of Seymour, Wisconsin – At the historic period of fifteen, he sold hamburgers from his ox-drawn nutrient stand at the Outagamie County Fair.  He went to the Outagamie County Fair and fix up a stand selling meatballs.  Business wasn't skillful and he quickly realized that it was considering meatballs were too difficult to consume while strolling effectually the off-white.  In a flash of innovation, he flattened the meatballs, placed them betwixt two slices of bread and called his new creation a hamburger.  He was known to many as "Hamburger Charlie."  He returned to sell hamburgers at the fair every year until his death in 1951, and he would entertain people with guitar and oral cavity organ and his jingle:

Hamburgers, hamburgers, hamburgers hot; onions in the heart, pickle on top. Makes your lips go flippity flop.

The boondocks of Seymour, Wisconsin is so certain about this merits that they even have a Hamburger Hall of Fame that they built every bit a tribute to Charlie Nagreen and the legacy he left backside. The boondocks claims to exist "Home of the Hamburger" and holds an annual Burger Festival on the get-go Saturday of August each year.  Events include a ketchup slide, bun toss, and hamburger-eating contest, too as the "globe'due south largest hamburger parade."

On May nine, 2007 , members of the Wisconsin legislature declared  Seymour, Wisconsin, equally the home of the hamburger:

Whereas, Seymour, Wisconsin, is the right habitation of the hamburger; and,
Whereas, other accounts of the origination of the hamburger trace dorsum just so far as the 1880s, while Seymour'southward merits can be traced to 1885; and,
Whereas, Charles Nagreen, besides known as Hamburger Charlie, of Seymour, Wisconsin, began calling footing beef patties in a bun "hamburgers" in 1885; and,
Whereas, Hamburger Charlie beginning sold his world-famous hamburgers at age 15 at the first Seymour Fair in 1885, and subsequently at the Dark-brown and Outagamie county fairs; and,
Whereas, Hamburger Charlie employed as many as 8 people at his famous hamburger tent, selling 150 pounds of hamburgers on some days; and,
Whereas, the hamburger has since become an American classic, enjoyed by families and backyard grills alike; now, therefore, be information technology
Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That the members of the Wisconsin legislature declare Seymour, Wisconsin, the Original Habitation of the Hamburger.

1885 – The family of Frank and Charles Menches from Akron, Ohio, claim the brothers invented the hamburger while traveling in a 100-man traveling concession circuit at events (fairs, race meetings, and farmers' picnics) in the Midwest in the early 1880s.  During a stop at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg, New York, the brothers ran out of pork for their hot sausage patty sandwiches.  Considering this happened on a especially hot day, the local butchers stop slaughtering pigs.  The butcher suggested that they substitute beef for the pork.  The brothers ground up the beef, mixed it with some chocolate-brown sugar, coffee, and other spices and served it every bit a sandwich between 2 pieces of bread.  They called this sandwich the "hamburger" after Hamburg, New York where the fair was being held.  According to family unit legend, Frank didn't really know what to call it, and so he looked up and saw the banner for the Hamburg off-white and said, "This is the hamburger."  In Frank's 1951 obituary in The Los Angeles Times, he is acknowledged him as the "inventor" of the hamburger.

Hamburg held its first Burgerfest in 1985 to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of the hamburger after organizers discovered a history volume detailing the burger'south origins.

In 1991 , Menches and his siblings stumbled across the original recipe among some sometime papers their great-grandmother left behind.  Later on selling their burgers at county fairs for a few years, the family unit opened upwardly the Menches Bros. Eating house in Akron, Ohio.  The Menches family is still in the restaurant concern and notwithstanding serving hamburgers in Ohio.

On May 28, 2005 , the boondocks of Akron, Ohio hosted the First Annual National Hamburger Festival to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the invention of the hamburger.  The festival will be defended to Frank and Charles Menches.  That is how certain the urban center of Akron is on the Menches' family unit claim on the contested contention that ii residents invented the hamburger.  The Ohio legislature is too considering making hamburgers the state food.

1891 – The family of Oscar Weber Bilby claim the first-known hamburger on a bun was served on Grandpa Oscar's farm just westward of Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1891.  The family unit says that Granddaddy Oscar was the first to add the bun, but they concede that hamburger sandwiches fabricated with staff of life may predate Grandpa Oscar's famous hamburger.

Michael Wallis, travel author and reporter for Oklahoma Today mag, did an all-encompassing search in 1995 for the true origins of the hamburger and adamant that Oscar Weber Bilby himself was the creator of the hamburger every bit we know information technology.  According to Wallis'due south 1995 article, Welcome To Hamburger Heaven, in an interview with Harold Bilby:

The story has been passed down through the generations like a family Bible.  "Grandpa himself told me that information technology was in June of 1891 when he took up a chunk of atomic number 26 and made himself a big ol' grill," explains Harold.  "Then the adjacent month on the Fourth of July he built a hickory wood fire underneath that grill, and when those coals were glowing hot, he took some ground Angus meat and fired upward a big batch of hamburgers.  When they were cooked all skillful and juicy, he put them on my Grandma Fanny's homemade yeast buns – the all-time buns in all the world, fabricated from her ain undercover recipe.  He served those burgers on buns to neighbors and friends under a grove of pecan copse  . . . They couldn't become enough, so Granddaddy hosted another big feed.  He did that every Quaternary of July, and sometimes as many as 125 people showed up."

Unproblematic math supports Harold Bilby's contention that if his Grandpa served burgers on Grandma Fanny's buns in 1891, and so the Bilbys eclipsed the St. Louis World'south Fair vendors by at least thirteen years.  That would brand Oklahoma the cradle of the hamburger.  "There's not fifty-fifty the trace of a doubt in my mind," say Harold.  "My grandfather invented the hamburger on a bun right here in what became Oklahoma, and if anybody wants to say unlike, so allow them show otherwise."

In 1933 , Oscar and his son, Leo, opened the family'southward outset hamburger stand in Tulsa, Oklahoma, called Weber'southward Superior Root Beer Stand. They still use the aforementioned grill used in 1891, with one minor variation, the wood stove has been converted to natural gas. In a letter to me, Linda Stradley, dated July 31, 2004,  Rick Bilby states the following:

My slap-up-granddaddy, Oscar Weber Bilby invented the hamburger on July 4, 1891.  He served ground beef patties that were seared to perfection on a open flame from a hand-made grill.  My bully-grandmother Fanny fabricated her own home-made yeast hamburger buns to put around the ground beefiness patties.  They served this new sandwich along with their tasty home-made rood beer which was likewise carbonated with yeast.  People would come for all over the county on July 4th each year to consume and savor these treats.  To this solar day we still cook our hamburger on grandad's grill, which is at present fired by natural gas.

On April thirteen, 1995 , Governor Frank Keating of Oklahoma proclaimed that the existent birthplace of the hamburger on the bun, was created and consumed in Tulsa in 1891. The Land of Oklahoma Proclamation states:

Whereas, scurrilous rumors have credited Athens, Texas, as the birthplace of the hamburger, claiming for that region south of the Red River ordinarily known as Baja Oklahoma a fame and renown which are hardly its due; and
Whereas, the Legislature of Baja Oklahoma has gone then far as to declare Apr iii, 1995, to be Athens Day at the State Capitol, largely on the force of this bogus claim, and
Whereas, while the residents, the scenery, the hospitality and the nutrient found in Athens are no doubt superior to those in virtually whatsoever other locale, they must be recognized.  In the words of Mark Twain, equally "the lightning bug is to the lightning" when compared with the Not bad City of Tulsa in the Bang-up State of Oklahoma; and
Whereas, although someone in Athens, in the 1860's, may have identify cooked ground beef between two slices of bread, this minor accomplishment can in no fashion be regarded comes on a bun accompanied by such delight as pickles, onions, lettuce, tomato, cheese and, in some cases, special sauce; and
Whereas, the first true hamburger on a bun, as meticulous research shows, was created and consumed in Tulsa in 1891 and was only copied for resale at the St. Louis World'due south Fair a full 13 years after that momentous and history-making occasion:
At present Therefore, I, Frank Keating, Governor of the Country of Oklahoma, practise hereby proclaim Apr 12, 1995, equally THE Real BIRTHPLACE OF THE HAMBURGER IN TULSA Twenty-four hours.

1900 Louis Lassen of New Haven, Connecticut is also recorded equally serving the offset "burger" at his New Haven luncheonette called Louis' Lunch Railroad vehicle.  Louis ran a small lunch wagon selling steak sandwiches to local mill workers.  A frugal business man, he did not similar to waste matter the excess beefiness from his daily lunch rush.  It is said that he ground up some scraps of beefiness and served it every bit a sandwich, the sandwich was sold between pieces of toasted bread, to a customer who was in a hurry and wanted to eat on the run.

Kenneth Lassen, Louis' grandson, was quoted in the September 25, 1991 Athens Daily Review every bit saying;

"We have signed, dated and notarized affidavits saying we served the commencement hamburger sandwiches in 1900.  Other people may have been serving the steak but there'south a big deviation between a hamburger steak and a hamburger sandwich."

In the mid-1960s , the New Haven Preservation Trust placed a plaque on the building where Louis' Lunch is located proclaiming Louis' Lunch to be the kickoff place the hamburger was sold.

Louis' Lunch is still selling their hamburgers from a small brick building in New Haven. The sandwich is grilled vertically in antique gas grills and served between pieces of toast rather than a bun, and refuse to provide mustard or ketchup.

Library of Congress named Louis' Tiffin a "Connecticut Legacy."  The following is taken from the Congressional Record, 27 July 2000, folio E1377:

Honoring Louis' Lunch on Its 105th Ceremony – Representative Rosa L. DeLauro:
. . . it is with peachy pleasure that I ascent today to gloat the 105th ceremony of a truthful New Haven landmark: Louis' Lunch.  Recently the Lassen family celebrated this landmark as well equally the 100th anniversary of their claim to fame — the invention and commercial serving of 1 of America'southward favorites, the hamburger . . . The Lassens and the community of New Haven shared unparalleled excitement when the Library of Congress named Louis' Lunch a "Connecticut Legacy" — nothing could be more true.

1901 or 1902 – Bert W. Gary of Clarinda, Iowa, in an commodity by Paige Carlin for the Omaha World Herald newspaper, takes no credit for having invented it, but he stakes uncompromising claim to being the "daddy" of the hamburger industry.He served his hamburger on a bun:

The hamburger business concern all started well-nigh 1901 or 1902 (The Grays aren't sure which) when Mr. Gray operated a little cafe on the due east side of Clarinda'southward Courthouse Square.

Mr. Gray recalled:  "There was an quondam German here named Ail Wall (or Wahl, maybe) and he ran a butcher shop.  One day he was stuffing bologna with a trivial hand machine, and he said to me:  'Bert, why wouldn't footing meat brand a good sandwich?'"

"I said I'd effort it, and so I took this basis beef and mixed it with an egg batter and fried information technology.  I couldn't bet anybody to consume information technology.  I quit the egg batter and only took the meat with a little flour to hold it together.  The new technique paid off."

"He almost ran the other cafes out of the sandwich business," Mrs. Grey put in.  "He could brand hamburgers then overnice and soft and juicy – better than I e'er could," she added.

"This one-time German, Wall, came over here from Hamburg, and that's what he said to call it," Mr. Gray explained.  "I sold them for a nickel apiece in those days.  That was when the meat was ten or 12 cents a pound," he added.  "I bought $v or $6 worth of meat at a time and I got 3 or four dozen pans of buns from the bakery a 24-hour interval."

One time the Grays heard a conflicting merits by a man (somewhere in the northern office of the country) that he was the hamburger's inventor.  "I didn't pay any attending to him," Mr. Grey snorted.  "I've got plenty of proof mine was the first," he said.


1904 World's Fair – Louisiana Purchase Exhibition

1904 – The hamburger gets its first widespread attention at the 1904 World'southward Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, likewise known equally the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, where it created a awareness.  A reporter for the New York Tribune wrote from the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair of a new sandwich called a hamburger, "the innovation of a food vendor on the expressway."   By "Pike" he meant the Earth's Fair midway.

Most Texans believe the vendor in question was Fletch Davis (1864-1941), also known equally "old Dave" who owned a lunch counter in Athens, Texas.  Supposedly Fletch Davis, at his Athens lunch counter, took some raw hamburger steak and placed it on his apartment grill and fried it until it was a crisp brown on both sides.  And then he placed the browned patty of meat between 2 thick slices of homemade toast and added a thick slice of raw onion to the top.  He offered information technology as a special to his patrons to come across if they would like it.

According to some historians, he opened up a concession stand and began selling the footing beef patty sandwich at the entertainment area, known as The Pike (there is no bear witness for that claim, however).  Co-ordinate to the volume Across The Ice Cream Cone – The Whole Scoop on Food at the 1904 World'south Fair past Pamela J. Vaccaro:

There is no Fletcher Davis on the official concessionaire's listing or on the final financial balance canvas of the LPE Co., and the company certainly would not have let anyone exert any kind of "squatter's rights."

According to an article written past John East. Harmon called The Better Burger Battle:

In 1904 Davis and his wife went to the St. Louis Globe'southward Fair either on his own or the townspeople took up a drove to ship him (at that place is no evidence for that claim, withal).  Whoever paid for the trip, he was at that place since a reporter for the New York Tribune wrote from the fair of a new sandwich called a hamburger, "the innovation of a food vendor on the expressway."  The reporter did not name the vendor but Athens resident Clint Murchison said that his grandfather had stiff memories of the sandwich in the 1880s merely remembered the innovator only as "Sometime Dave."  Murchison also had a big photo of the midway at the 1904 fair with "Old Dave's Hamburger Stand" marked patently by his granddad.  When Davis returned from the off-white in that location were already several cafes in Athens serving the sandwich and he went back to firing pots in the Miller pottery works.  Tolbert's investigation proved that "Old Dave" was Fletcher Davis from Athens (Tolbert 1983).

In 1983, Frank X. Tolbert, quondam newspaper columnist of the Dallas Morning News, wrote the following in his book Tolbert's Texas, The Henderson Canton Hamburger:

"It took me years of sweatneck research earlier I finally determined, at least in mine and in some other Texas historian's interpretation, that Fletcher Davis (1864-1941), also known every bit "Old Dave" of Athens, in Henderson Canton, Texas, invented the hamburger sandwich."

In 1984 , a plaque was placed on the Ginger Murchison Building, approximately on Fletch Davis' cafe site.

In 2006 , a bill was introduced into the Texas Legislature, H.C.R. No. 15 – CONCURRENT RESOLUTION, to make Athens, Texas "Original Abode of the Hamburger."  This bill is based on the research of Frank 10. Tolbert into Fletcher Davis just.

1916 – Walter Anderson from Wichita, Kansas, a fry melt, developed buns to accommodate the hamburger patties.  The dough he selected was heavier than ordinary bread dough, and he formed it into pocket-size, foursquare shapes that were but large enough for one of his hamburgers.  He quit his job as a cook and used his life savings to buy an onetime trolley auto and adult it into a diner featuring his hamburgers.  In 1921, Anderson co-founded the White Castle Hamburger with Edgar Waldo "Billy" Ingram, an insurance executive, in Wichita, Kansas.  It is the oldest hamburger chain.  They serve steam-fried hamburgers, 18 per pound of fresh ground beef, cooked on a bed of chopped onions, for a nickel.

1931 – Popeye the crewman man, a cartoon figures in the comic strip created by American cartoonist Elzie Crisler Segar (1894-1938) in 1929, and syndicated by the Hearst paper's King Features syndicate featured the character J. Wellington Wimpy, known as Wimpy.  Wimpy joined the Popeye comic strip in 1931, and he played a significant function in popularizing the hamburger in the United states.  Wimpy is probably all-time know for his consumption of hamburgers.  Wimpy loves to swallow hamburgers, but is usually too cheap to pay for them. A recurring joke is Wimpy's attempts to con other members of the diner into buying him burgers.  Wimpy often tries to outwit swain patrons with his convoluted logic.  His famous line is "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

The popularity the grapheme Wimpy spawned a successful chain of  hamburger restaurants called Wimpy's, that flourished for over a decade.  This burger went for the upscale market at ten cents a burger.  In keeping with the founder's wishes, all ane,500 restaurants were closed downwards when he died in 1978.

1941 – A California Supreme Court decision, that arose from a sales tax dispute where the plaintiff wanted a refund of taxes paid, nether protest, on sales made during the 1937-39 Globe's Fair on San Francisco's Treasure Island.  Operating food booths, it "sold merely frankfurter (commonly referred to as 'hot dog') and hamburger sandwiches, together with java, milk, ale and beer, "the per curiam decision said.  The effect was whether these sandwiches constituted a "meal," rendering them exempt from the sales taxation.  Resolving the issue against the concessionaire, the high court said:

A 'hot dog' or hamburger sandwich is the type of nutrient frequently offered for sale to and desired past persons who wish to eat something while walking about.  It is not the type of food mostly ordered by a person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant or other public eating institution with the intention of securing a 'meal'.   It may not exist said that one has 'served' a meal who only prepares a sandwich for consumption, wraps it in a paper napkin and hands information technology to a purchaser without offering any facilities for its consumption on the premises, and with the intention that it exist consumed elsewhere.


Cheese Burger There is also a dispute between Denver, Colorado, Louisville, Kentucky, and Pasadena, California on who and where the cheeseburger was invented.

1920s – Pasadena, California:

According to the 1995 book called Welcome To Hamburger Sky by Jeffrey Tennyson:

Tennyson said he interviewed erstwhile eating place employees who confirmed that the Rite Spot is where the cheeseburger debuted — although it was chosen the cheese hamburger.

From the article,Who Invented Hamburger Sandwich?  And What Virtually the Cheeseburger?  Past Roger M. Grace, Metropolitan News-Enterprise, Thursday, January 8, 2004:

Lionel C. Sternberger is believed to have invented the "cheese hamburger" in the 1920s in the Northeast portion of Los Angeles County.  Tales differ, all the same, as to precisely when this occurred, and where.  Some peg the date as 1924, others as 1926.  The site is usually said to be Pasadena, though that has been called into question.

Steve Harvey, in his column in the 50.A. Times, wrote on March 27, 1991:  "American Heritage mag points out that a local restaurateur was identified as the inventor of the cheeseburger at his death in 1964.  Cooking at his father's curt-society joint in Pasadena in the early 1920s, the lad experimentally tossed a slice (variety unknown) on a hamburger 'and lo! the cheeseburger sizzled to life.'

1934 – Louisville, Kentucky:

Co-ordinate to Robin Garr'due south Louisville Restaurant Reviews:

Cheeseburger Plaque Charles Kaelin and his wife opened the restaurant in 1934, the menu claims, dubbing the former brick building at the corner of Newburg and Speed  "The birthplace of the cheeseburger."  The standard hamburger had already become "an established staple of the diet" by then.  Simply Kaelin was an inveterate experimenter, always looking for new food ideas.  "I day in the kitchen … information technology occurred to him that if he put a slice of cheese on height of the hamburger patty merely earlier it was done, the cheese would melt down into the patty and add a new tang to the hamburger.  It was an instant success – it'southward popularity spread nationwide until just most everyone the globe over enjoys the cheeseburger. .

The Humpty Dumpty Barrel Bulldoze-In, in Denver, as well gone from the scene, trumps that with bear witness that it sought to trademark the proper name "cheeseburger" in Colorado in March 1935.  But Kaelin's merits beats Humpty Dumpty by a year, substantiated by a 1934 menu that reads, "Effort Kaelin's Cheese, burgers … 15 cents … You lot'll like 'em."

Today, a plaque (probably placed there past the owners) on the wall of the Kaelin Restaurant proudly state that Carl Kaelin invented the cheeseburger.

1935 – Denver, Colorado:

The cheeseburger trademark was supposedly registered by Louis Ballast on March 5, 1935 of the Humpty Dumpty Barrel Drive-In in Denver, Colorado.  Ballast claimed to accept come upward with the thought while testing hamburger toppings.  Although Louis registered the proper noun, he never fabricated whatsoever claims, and the eating house is now a thing of the past.  Some historians dispute that he actually was issued a trademark.

The American and His Food, Revised Edition, by Richard Osborn Cummings, published by University of Chicago Press, 1970.
American Forum – Fast Nutrient History, Handout #iv: Mcfast-food Conques America.
Birthplace of the Burger, The Lassen family unit has 'em the aforementioned way for generations at Louis' Lunch, by Jim Shelton, Annals Staff.
The Ameliorate Burger Boxing, Atlas of Pop Culture in the Northeatern United states of america, by John Due east. Harmon.
Beyond the Ice Foam Cone – The Whole Scoop on food at the 1904 Earth's Fair, past Pamela J. Vaccaro, Enid Press, St. Louis, 2004.
Brief History of Athens, Texas, Texas Highways Magazine, July 1994.
Boston Cooking School Cook Volume, past Mrs. D.A. Lincoln, Dover Publications, Inc. Mineola, New York (1996 Reprint of the 1884 Classic).
Bull Cook and authentic Historical Recipes and Practices, Volume II, by George Leonard Herter & Berthe Due east. Herter, 1967.
Can y'all believe some dispute u.s.a.? We won, at present we celebrate – newspaper guide to hamburger cookoff, Athens (TX) Daily Review,  Athens Daily Review, September 25, 1991.
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From Boarding Firm to Bistro: the American Eating house Then and Now, by Richard Pillsbury. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990.
Hamburgers and Mustard: A Lucifer Fabricated in Wisconsin, by Eric Model, published by Hidden America – USA Today, July 23, 1999.
History of the Menches Brothers.
Louis' Dejeuner (A footling bit a history).
Menches Bros. is more than than just burgers, past Michelle Detwiler, vii/18/2002, Leader Publications, Akron, Ohio.
National Even Coming to Akron – Today is National Hamburger Mean solar day! City of Akron, 2004 News Release, May 28, 1994.
The Night 2000 Men Came To Dinner, past Douglas G. Meldrum, published past Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994.
Former Menus Tell the History of Hamburgers in L.A., by Roger M. Grace, Thursday, Jan 15, 2004, Los Angeles, CA Metropolitan New-Enterprise.
Online Actress: A Hamburger'due south Tasty Legacy, March fourteen, 2005, BusinessWeek.com.
Clarindan Is 'Dan' of Hamburgers, Omaha World-Herald, by Paige Carlin, date unknown.
Paying Homage To The Hamburger Is A Patriotic Duty, by Doris Reynolds, Naples Daily News, May 26, 1999.
State of Oklahoma, Executive Section, Proclamation, April 12, 1995.
Steve Church building, Ridgecrest, California.
The Amend Burger Battle, by John E. Harmon, Atlas of Popular Culture in the Northeastern United States.
The Complete Hamburger – The History of America'due south Favorite Sandwich, by Ronald L. McDonald, published past Carol Publishing Group, 1997.
The Food of the Western Globe – An Encyclopedia of Food from North America and Europe, by Theodora Fitzgibbon, Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., 1976.
The Food Chronology – The Food Chronology – A Nutrient Lover's Compendium of Events and Anecdotes, from Prehistory to the Present, by James Trager, New York, published by Henry Holt and Visitor, 1995.
The Origin of Hamburgers and Ketchup, by Giovanni Ballarini, University of the Studies of Parma.
The White Shoe Irregular: It was Fun while information technology lasted, Honoring Louis' Lunch on Its 15th Anniversary, Representative Rosa L. DeLauro, Congressional Record, 27 July 2000, folio E1377.
They Merely Serve Burgers Their Mode, Making It In Connecticut, Your Coin, March 12, 1994.
Tolbert'due south Texas, The Henderson County Hamburger, by F. X. Tolbert, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, New York, 1983.
Weber's Sperior Root Beer, by the Weber family.
Welcome To Hamburger Heaven, past Michael Wallis, Oklahoma Today Mag, May 1995.
Who Invented Hamburger Sandwich? And What About the Cheeseburger?, by Roger M. Grace, Reminiscing, Thursday, January 8, 2004, Metropolitan News-Enterprise.


Source: https://whatscookingamerica.net/history/hamburgerhistory.htm

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