what can i do to relieve pressure in my eyes

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Ocular hypertension is one of the about widespread conditions that affects the eyes. Information technology occurs when in that location is a higher level of fluid pressure level (intraocular pressure) in the optics than usual. Glaucoma, and even permanent vision harm, can occur if ocular hypertension is ignored, therefore it'south of import to take activeness confronting the status. Ocular hypertension is defined as having high intraocular pressure without vision loss or optic nerve abnormality, which would signal glaucoma. An centre care specialist can cheque for this during a routine eye exam. Eye drops are unremarkably one of the start treatments used to treat high eye force per unit area, but unfortunately they practice not work for everyone.[1]

  1. 1

    Lower your torso's insulin levels. Individuals who suffer from conditions such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure oft become resistant to insulin, which actually causes the body to produce more insulin. These high insulin levels have been linked to increased eye pressure.[2]

    • To solve this problem, patients are advised to avoid certain foods that can trigger an abrupt increase in insulin levels. These foods include: carbohydrate, grains (whole and organic), breads, pasta, rice, cereal and potatoes.
  2. 2

    Practise for xxx minutes on most days of the week. Talk with your doc about starting an exercise routine to ensure that information technology's rubber for you to do so. Regularly engaging in exercises like aerobics, jogging, brisk walking, biking and strength grooming may aid to to lower your body's insulin levels, thus protecting your optics from ocular hypertension.[3]

    • Avoid exercises and positions that place you in a head-down position, as this can increase intraocular force per unit area. This includes some yoga positions, such every bit headstands.


  3. 3

    Include dietary omega-iii fat acids. To heave your DHA levels, try to eat to 2-3 servings of these kinds of fish each week. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that maintains healthy retinal part and prevents pressure from building up in the optics.[iv]

    • DHA (and other omega-3 fat acids) are found in cold water fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, shellfish and herring.

    Tip: Alternatively, you can increment your DHA intake by taking fish oil capsules or algae-based DHA supplements. For best results take 3,000 – 4,000mg of standardized fish oil capsules per 24-hour interval or take 200mg of algae-based DHA supplements per day.

  4. iv

    Swallow more foods containing lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids, which work as antioxidants that protect the trunk from complimentary radicals. These free radicals weaken the immune system, which can lead to infection and damage to the optic nerves.[five]

    • Lutein and zeaxanthin may help lower eye pressure level past reducing oxidative damage effectually the optic nerve. This is important, as any damage in the optic nerve increases eye pressure level.
    • Foods that incorporate excellent sources of lutein and zeaxanthin include kale, spinach, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and raw egg yolks. Attempt to include at least one of these foods in every major meal of the day.
  5. 5

    Avoid trans fats. As mentioned above, omega-3 fat acids help to reduce intraocular pressure. However, foods that are high in trans fats prevent the omega-3s from working properly, which can atomic number 82 to increased middle pressure level. Equally a result, it's a good idea to limit your intake of foods rich in trans fats. These foods include:[vi]

    • Packaged cookies, crackers, cakes, and other baked goods
    • Fried foods
    • Margarine
  6. 6

    Eat more than antioxidants. Dark colored berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, and bilberries, assist to improve the overall health of the eyes by reinforcing the capillaries that transmit nutrients to the eye nerves and muscles. This is due to the fact that night-colored berries contain antioxidants that aid to strengthen blood vessels. This reduces the chances of blood vessels hemorrhaging and causing harm.[7]

    • Effort to eat at least i portion of dark-colored berries per day.
    • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant and is used to prevent and treat a number of middle disorders, including glaucoma and increased center pressure. Dosage is usually 75mg twice a day.[8]
    • Bilberry is very commonly used to increase visual acuity and combat degenerative eye diseases, including ocular hypertension. One study on a specific product containing bilberry and pycnogenol (an excerpt from pine bark) was clinically shown to lower eye pressure.[9]
    • Grapeseed extract is an antioxidant and has been successfully used to reduce eye stress due to glare. Grapeseed excerpt is usually used to combat signs of aging and improve night vision.[x]
  7. 7

    Limit or avoid caffeine. Consuming a large amount of caffeine can increase ocular pressure, so it's best to only swallow caffeinated beverages and foods in moderation. Cutting back on the amount of coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks, chocolate, and whatever other caffeinated food and drinks. You may fifty-fifty want to completely eliminate these items from your diet for 1 month or more to see if this helps to reduce your eye pressure.[11]

  8. 8

    Take a daily multivitamin for nutritional insurance. Although in that location is no convincing show that vitamins may assist to prevent glaucoma, taking a daily multivitamin might be helpful for y'all if you don't get a balanced diet. Look for a vitamin that contains 100% of your daily value of the following:[12]

    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin B-complex
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin Eastward
    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc


  1. 1

    Talk over surgery for persistent ocular force per unit area. If high pressure level persists, it can cause harm to the optic nerve, leading to an eye condition called glaucoma.[13] Over fourth dimension, glaucoma can lead to vision loss. Glaucoma is usually treated using a combination of eye drops and oral medications. However, if these measures don't work, surgery will be necessary to lower pressure level in the eyes.[14]

    • Surgery for glaucoma helps to improve the flow of fluid inside the optics, lowering eye pressure as a result. Sometimes, a single surgery will not exist enough to adequately save eye pressure and treat glaucoma. In this situation, a follow-upwards surgery may be necessary.
    • At that place are several types of surgery used to treat glaucoma, depending on the severity of the condition.
  2. 2

    Ask your doctor nearly drainage implants for severe cases. Drainage implants are unremarkably used to treat high eye pressure in children and in people with advanced glaucoma. During the procedure, a small tube is inserted into the centre to facilitate the drainage of fluid. Once the fluid is tuckered, pressure in the centre is reduced.[15]

  3. 3

    Consider getting laser surgery as an effective alternative to eyedrops. Trabeculoplasty is a blazon of laser surgery that uses a loftier-energy laser axle to open blocked drainage canals in the eyes, allowing the excess fluid to drain. This procedure is commonly performed on an outpatient basis. Later on the surgery, eye pressure level is checked periodically to ensure that the procedure was successful.[16]

    • Some other type of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation surgery is iridotomy. This type of laser is used in people with very narrow drainage angles in the optics. During this procedure, a small pigsty is created on the top part of the iris to let for the drainage of fluid.
    • If laser iridotomy doesn't work, peripheral iridotomy may exist done. This procedure involves removing a small-scale part of the iris to meliorate fluid drainage. This type of surgery is relatively rare.
  4. 4

    Talk with an eye surgeon about filtering surgery. Trabeculectomy is a blazon of surgical procedure used as a last resort in the treatment of high eye pressure level if eye drops and laser surgery remain unsuccessful.[17]

    • In this process, a surgeon creates an opening in the sclera (the white office of the centre) and removes a small slice of tissue in the base of the cornea. This allows fluid to flow freely from the heart, resulting in reduced force per unit area.
    • The procedure is washed in one center and is repeated in the other eye several weeks subsequently, if necessary. Additional treatments may exist required following this procedure as the opening might go blocked or closed upward again.

    Tip: Exist aware that this surgery sometimes fails due to an backlog of scar tissue.


  1. 1

    Practice blinking every iii to iv seconds. Relax and refresh the eyes past making a conscious endeavour to blink every iii to four seconds, over a 2 minute period. Utilize a lookout man to time yourself, if necessary. This will relieve some of the pressure level on your eyes, leaving them ready to process new information.[xviii]

    • People have a tendency to avoid blinking when working on a estimator, watching goggle box or playing video games. This puts a lot of strain on the eyes.
  2. ii

    Cover your centre with the palm of your hand. Place your right hand over your right eye, resting your fingers against your forehead and the heel of your hand against your cheekbone. Don't apply any pressure level. Keep the mitt in place for thirty seconds to a minute, blinking freely throughout. Uncover your right heart, so employ your left mitt to cover your left eye and echo.[19]

    • Covering your eye with the palm of your paw helps to relax both the eye and the listen, relieving stress and allowing you to blink freely.
  3. 3

    Trace an imaginary figure eight with your optics. Imagine a big number 8 on the wall in front of you, turned onto its side. Use your eyes to trace this number eight, without moving your head. Keep doing this for 1-two minutes. If yous're having difficulty imagining a sideways 8, draw one on a large piece of paper and stick information technology on the wall. You lot tin trace this with your optics instead.[xx]

    • This exercise helps to strengthen your eye muscles and increase their flexibility, making them less prone to injury and high pressure.
  4. 4

    Practice focusing your eyes on both near and faraway objects. Detect a relaxing identify to sit down, without any distractions. Concord your pollex approximately 10 inches (25.4 cm) in front of your face and focus your optics on information technology. Focus on your thumb for v to 10 seconds, and so switch your focus to another object, between ten to xx feet (3.0 to 6.1 chiliad) away from you lot. Alternate betwixt focusing on your pollex and focusing on the far away object for 1-ii minutes.[21]

    • This practise helps to strengthen the eye muscles and better your overall vision.
  5. 5

    Focus on your thumb and motion it towards and away from your eyes. Stretch 1 manus straight out in forepart of yous, then stick up your thumb. Focus both optics on the thumb, and then slowly move your pollex towards y'all until it is about iii in (7.vi cm) away from your confront. Motion your thumb abroad from you again, keeping both optics on information technology at all times. Continue to focus on your moving thumb for 1-2 minutes.

    • This exercise improves your focusing skills and too helps to strengthens your eye muscles.
  6. six

    Await into biofeedback to alleviate eye pressure level. Biofeedback teaches you to control normal bodily processes, such equally heart rate, claret force per unit area, and body temperature. A biofeedback therapist can teach y'all proper technique then you can begin to exercise on your own.[22]


  1. i

    See an centre specialist for a diagnosis. High middle pressure (medically known every bit ocular hypertension) is difficult to diagnose, as it does not evidence whatever visible symptoms such as redness or eye pain. A diagnosis cannot be made using visual examination alone, so y'all will need to accept your optics examined by an eye specialist. He volition use a combination of methods to place ocular hypertension.

    • Tonometry. This procedure is used to measure intraocular pressure level in the eyes and guess whether the level of pressure is all the same inside normal limits. The eye is numbed and then an orange dye is inserted to help the specialist place the level of pressure level. A machine is used to measure the pressure level in the eye by applying pressure to the centre. Nonetheless, it'due south of import to take the corneal thickness into account equally people with thicker corneas may evidence falsely higher measurements.[23]
    • A reading of 21mmHg or higher usually indicates the presence of ocular hypertension. Information technology's rare for someone with a reading of thirty mmHg or less to have glaucoma. Still, other atmospheric condition can bear upon this reading, such as caput or eye injuries or a buildup of blood backside the cornea.
    • Air puff. With this procedure, the patient is asked to look directly into an apparatus while the specialist shines a light into the center. The apparatus then sends a quick puff of air directly into the eye. A special machine reads the force per unit area by assessing the changes in the light reflections upon the strike of air into the heart.
  2. 2

    Talk over potential causes of the condition with your doctor. Ocular hypertension is associated with increasing age forth with other factors. Several factors may contribute to the evolution of ocular hypertension, including:[24]

    • Excessive aqueous product. Aqueous humor is a transparent liquid manufactured in the centre. It drains from the centre by means of the trabecular meshwork. If excessive aqueous humor is produced, the pressure in the centre increases.
    • Inadequate aqueous drainage. Improper drainage of aqueous humor can lead to increased eye pressure.
    • Sure medications. Certain drugs (such equally steroids) can cause ocular hypertension, especially in people with pre-existing risk factors.
    • Heart trauma. Any irritation or injury to the eye can affect the balance of aqueous production and drainage from the centre and may upshot in increased heart pressure.[25]
    • Other centre conditions. Ocular hypertension is unremarkably linked with other eye ailments such equally pseudo exfoliation syndrome, corneal arcus, and dispersion syndrome.
  3. three

    Identify your hazard factors for ocular hypertension. Anyone can develop loftier eye pressure, but studies show that the post-obit groups are at increased chance of developing the status:

    • African-Americans.
    • Individuals over the age of 40.
    • Persons with a family unit history of ocular hypertension and glaucoma.
    • People with thinner central corneal thickness measurements.[26]


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  • Some of the fish recommended for increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids contain low level of mercury, simply limited servings volition not crusade any impairment to individuals. Still, sure precautions must exist taken by pregnant women or those hoping to conceive. They are advised to avert eating king mackerel, tilefish, swordfish and shark.

  • If you are already on a drop for your intraocular force per unit area, you should not end information technology without discussing it with your ophthalmologist.


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Commodity Summary X

The easiest way to lower eye pressure level without using drops is past changing your diet. Avert foods that can trigger an precipitous increment in insulin levels similar saccharide, grains, breads, pasta, rice, cereal, and potatoes. If medical marijuana is legal where you live, consider trying edibles, capsules, tablets, or oils, which studies have shown tin temporarily reduce center pressure level. To treat astringent cases, consider more invasive measures similar surgery or drainage implants. For tips on using practice to lower eye pressure, read on!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Lower-Eye-Pressure-Without-Drops

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